Author: Apeace

Last week our CEO Tarren Wolfe had the pleasure of visiting our friends at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT). This amazing school is training the future Canadian Chefs, and they're doing it with an Urban Cultivator Commercial growing appliance. The event featured some amazing dishes that showcase the amazing flavours the can be grown indoors with Urban Cultivator. Kale, amaranth, sunflower, pea, and beet greens are a few of the greens that NAIT is growing in their Urban Cultivator Commercial. Here are a few quick shots from the event.

Spot Prawn Lemon Pasta

Spot Prawn Lemon Pasta could be served hot or cold which makes it great for picnics and meals- on-the-go. Light and lemony with classic parsley and basil, this is sure to be a family favourite.

Spot prawn season is finally upon us again. Learn everything you need to know about buying, preparing and cooking with spot prawns. Every year from May to June, British Columbians run to their favorite fish monger for the opening of spot prawn season. Suddenly, spot prawns are seen on every menu in town, cooked 100 different ways. It’s a glorious and delicious time to be living on the West Coast. Spot prawns have a rich, buttery flavor that has been described as a cross between dungeness crab and lobster. Not only do they taste heavenly, but they’re sustainable, too. Spot prawns are endorsed by both SeaChoice and Oceanwise. In the spirit of the season, we’ve assembled all the information you need to know about spot prawns—from what to look for when buying, how to freeze them, to everything in between. Soon you’ll be cooking spot prawns like a pro and if you’re smart, freezing them to enjoy throughout the summer.

You already know that buying organic is better for your health and for the life of our planet. But vegetables and fruits star losing essential nutrients from the moment they're picked, and transportation over long distances only leads to further damage. Learn about the limitations...

A diverse group of forward thinking chefs and offices have embraced the Zero Mile Diet and started growing fresh, organic greens with Urban Cultivator. If you’d like to share a photo of your Cultivator with us, please send them to View the Urban Cultivator Residential View...

Herbs and greens don't just go on your plate. You can create amazing concoctions in the ol' blender as well that not only taste great, but they're damn healthy as well. Our fearless leader Tarren has one such drink that'll get your droopy eyes back on track the morning after that awesome party with friends.

As you know from our last post, we will be on Dragon's Den Tomorrow evening on CBC. Our entire crew will be watching from Nicli Pizzeria in Gastown, Vancouver. But if you can't swing by and say hi we'll also be on Twitter and livechat the...