Growing your own shows your commitment to locally sourced and sustainably grown ingredients, and it cuts down on unnecessary waste. Harvest what you need, when you need it, and let the rest continue to grow. The Urban Cultivator Commercial is meticulously designed to maximize yield while using minimal energy. Depending on the amount of greens you go through per month, the Urban Cultivator Commercial can pay for itself in just under a year. The Urban Cultivator Commercial gives you the ability to provide the freshest herbs and greens possible for your customers. Designed to accept the flats of herbs you already receive from your supplier, keeping your herbs and greens growing until the minute they are needed. Some herbs and greens you may now be able to get multiple harvests from providing you optimal freshness and saving you money. For the more involved and discerning chefs, start a few flats of your own hand picked, hard to source herbs and greens. From growing to plate in mere minutes. With the Urban Cultivator Commercial, you get 365 days a year of optimal growing conditions. Imagine feeding your guests fresh herbs and greens all year long regardless of season. “There is only one way to Be Sure – Grow Your Own.