Author: Apeace

"Learn About..." is a recurring post where we'll look at lesser known herbs, greens, etc., and discuss their origin, health benefits, and everything in between! leaves-8175254 Beet tops, or bull's blood, are exactly what they sound like—they're the leafy bits at the top of your beets. People hadn't been using them in their cooking for a while, discarding them as you would the tops of carrots, but the funny thing about this is way back when, only the greens were eaten. Now, people are once again incorporating beet tops in their cooking and at the same time eliminating the amount of waste they make when they eat beets!

We refer to the Urban Cultivator a lot in our posts, and some of you may already know what we're all about. For those of you who stumbled upon this blog, we are Urban Cultivator, a company dedicated to making the world a better place through trying to provide for each and every family healthy and organic herbs, vegetables, and microgreens through our product. The Urban Cultivator appliance is more than just your run-of-the-mill kitchen appliance. We aim to reduce our carbon footprint with them. We want every household to have one so that your family can have access to honest-to-goodness, home-grown food. We want to create a wholly sustainable culture where delicious, fresh food is the focal point.

Is there anything quite like a big, juicy, ripe tomato? One of the most versatile fruits on the planet, it's not only incredibly tasty, but also really, really good for you. They're rich in vitamins A and C and folic acid, and also containing a wide array of nutrients and antioxidants, including alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, folic acid, beta-carotene, and lutein. Grow tomatoes in your garden, and you'll have the best—and most culinarily exciting—summer ever. So how do you ensure that your tomatoes grow to become the largest, most flavourful tomatoes? The secret is in pruning.

The only thing better than fresh herbs is growing and harvesting your own fresh herbs. It's convenient, inexpensive, and simply great to have complete control of what you put in your food. An indoor herb garden is easy to put together when you know what to do. Here are some essentials that you'll want to go over before you get it started.

Now that you've been introduced to our Urban Cultivator appliances, which provide the ease and convenience of growing your own fresh and nutritious microgreens, vegetables, herbs, and flowers 365 days a year, it's time to experiment a little. Sure, you can definitely grow oregano, basil, and parsley. Those are pretty standard things to grow in our units. But did you know that you could also grow edible flowers? What about komatsuna? Do you know how to use nasturtiums? Here are some amazing things that you can also grow in our Urban Cultivators!

"Learn About..." is a new recurring post where we'll look at lesser known herbs, and discuss their origin, health benefits, and everything in between!
Marjoram (Origanum majorana) is a perennial herb that originated in Egypt and Arabia, and is now indigenous to Cyprus and southern Turkey. With sweet pine and citrus undertones, it pairs great with tomatoes and tomato-based dishes, like marinara, in salad dressings, soups, and stews.

So you've been buying herbs at the store or at the farmer's market. With the former, it's convenient, and with the latter, it's nice to support local businesses. But ask yourself this: when was the last time you actually used up all of your herbs before it went bad? How much of the packet or bundle of herbs was already unusable by the time it had to go into your food? With an Urban Cultivator indoor garden, not only do you have immediate access to herbs and microgreens, making it incredibly convenient, but creating waste is a thing of the past. In this, you won't ever have to throw away herbs—which is essentially throwing away your money—again.

We've talked a bit about microgreens and their health benefits, but just how does it all breakdown when these tender young things go head-to-head with their mature counterparts? Urban Cultivator is currently working on an extensive study about the nutritional impact of microgreens with the University of Alberta, but while that study percolates, here's a starting guide all the nutritional details you wanted to know about microgreens vs. their mature counterparts.

If you want your herb garden to grow into its most luscious, abundant self, then you need to know how to prune. Pruning is essentially snipping off leaves and some parts of stems of your plants, which will prompt them to continue to grow. In doing so, you can control the shape of your garden, as well as its size! Here are some top tips on pruning your herbs.