Author: Apeace

Dairy milk, though still a staple in many families, is slowly being edged out for alternative milks like soy and almond. Whether this decision is due to health or animal welfare, we're seeing in a soaring popularity of alternative milks, with oat being in with the latest trend. Of course, each alternative milk provides its own benefits as well as properties that some drinkers should be aware. Below, we explore a few of the most popular varieties. See which one fits your lifestyle the most!

2018 is over, and it's time to see what the New Year has to offer. And one of our favorite things? Looking at the upcoming health food trend predictions! With a new year, also brings new and exciting things to try, and we have some exciting things to obsess over come 2019. Without further ado, here are the health food trends to look out for in 2019.

The new year is all about starting a new, which means there's no better time than now to create some resolutions to help you live a better 2019. We understand that resolutions can be hard to keep. Without the proper steps to achieve your goal, it can all come crumbling down in one fell swoop. One particularly difficult resolution to follow through with is eating better. In school, we learned that it was best to KISS your goals, or to "Keep It Simple, Silly." So, we've set out some simple guidelines that can hopefully help you eat better in 2019. The goal isn't to deprive your body of good food; it's to change your relationship with food into a more sustainable, healthier one. Here are eight ways to help you eat better, without sacrificing all the good flavours that fresh food has to offer.

Seasonality of what you eat is more important than ever. Not only are restaurants embracing the practice of creating dishes that use ingredients that are in season, but many grocery stores are now doing the same. One of the most important things you can do is to arm yourself with the knowledge of what's in season during certain months so you can make the most out of the produce. In-season produce not only tastes better, but you're also supporting the local farmers and eliminating your carbon footprint by minimizing orders for items that aren't available in your area, but are grown across the world and have to be shipped. Here's what's in season during Winter 2018.

Indoor plants are all the rage, but it can be hard to get started on finding the perfect one for your space. We at Urban Cultivator are big fans of growing plants in the comfort at your own home, which is why we've gathered some info on our favorite indoor plants to help you turn your home into a beautiful greenhouse. Here are some perfect indoor plants for your home.

Halloween is almost here, and everyone is busy putting together last minute Halloween costumes. Instead of simply serving buckets of candy this year at your Halloween gathering, why not make some deliciously ghoulish dishes instead? Here are some spooky but fresh recipes perfect for Halloween, featuring herbs, microgreens, and vegetables.

Seasonality of what you consume is more important than ever. Not only are restaurants adopting the practice of creating dishes that use ingredients that are in season, but many grocery stores are also beginning to do the same. One of the most important things you can do is to arm yourself with the knowledge of what's in season during certain months so you can make the most out of the produce. In-season produce not only tastes better, but you're also supporting the local farmers and eliminating your carbon footprint by minimizing orders for items that aren't available in your area, but are grown across the world and have to be shipped. Here's what's in season during Fall 2018.

Food is nothing without spices, and every country has its own preferred ones. It's these unique combinations that give different cuisines their uniqueness. Ever wonder what spices and herbs are popular and most used in which countries? Data Dial and Kit Stone did some research on 36 world cuisines to see what were the most popular spices and herbs, and whether or not there were any common ingredients. This was determined by studying the ingredients of the national dishes of said countries, and with that data, they created a fascinating infographic.

There is something fundamentally "summer" about basil. Brightly flavored and wonderfully herbaceous, it's one of our favorite herbs to grow in an Urban Cultivator. Its versatility is also unmatched, perfect in everything from sauces, to cocktails, to desserts. Here are some of our favorite recipes featuring the herb of summertime, basil.