08 Aug 6 Ideas For the Perfect Indoor Garden
Weather in many places can be incredibly finicky, so the best thing for some is to garden indoors instead. While it may seem daunting to bring everything inside, indoor gardening is really as simple as gardening outdoors, with the added benefit of being able to spruce it up with stylish designs.
Not sure where to start? Here are some tips and ideas for the perfect indoor garden.
1. Pick a design and stick with it
The first biggest obstacle is choosing a design. What should your indoor garden look like? What should its theme be? If you’re going with Countryside Chic, choose the perfect accompaniments that’ll make your indoor garden pop, in accordance to your theme.
You might come across a funky ’80s-inspired lamp for your garden, but keep your theme in mind! Stray too much, and your garden will just look disorganized and perhaps even distasteful.
2. Choose a good space
On top of figuring out how you want the actual design of the space to be, ensure that there is plenty of good natural light. You also want to steer clear of any space that has limited access, as you will need to get right in there and tend to your plants.
Your space should also be free of clutter; the more mess, the harder it’ll be to get your indoor plants started!
3. Less is more
The “less is more” concept applies to everything.
You don’t want to squish your plants together and try to grow as much as you can. Plants need room to breathe, and some plants—like mint—will actually take over the entire space and end up killing your other plants because of the rate at which they grow at.
4. Stay in control
Make sure that you’ll have complete control over where you’re growing. Is it close to your baby’s play pen? Will your cat paw at your plants as if they were catnip?
Avoiding such spaces will ensure that you will have complete control over what your plants get, which includes amount of light, water, and TLC!
5. Choose the right plants
Certain plants don’t go together. As used in the example above, if you plan on growing an herb garden, you should isolate your mint plant, as those plants grow wild, and can kill your other plants in the meantime.
Group together plants that will get along. The best practice is to group together Mediterranean varieties such as rosemary, oregano, sage, thyme, lavender, and marjoram, as they all require a lot of sunlight and dry soil.
Herbs like basil, cilantro, tarragon, and parsley require much more moisture than the above plants, and should be planted together.
6. Try a terrarium
Terrariums are increasingly popular now, especially in smaller homes where they can’t afford to sacrifice the space. Self contained and easy to manage, it’s a great alternative for those who want a bit of green in their cozy space.
While indoor gardens have the potential to be incredibly stylish, they can also be difficult to maintain. With an Urban Cultivator Residential, you’re able to grow healthy and organic vegetables, microgreens, herbs, and flowers in a—just like terrariums—completely self-contained unit.
Featuring self-watering, lighting, and tempering controls, these units are easy to use, and also have a number of customization options. Using hydroponic technology, it guarantees a no-mess experience. Urban Cultivator units are a great way to “garden” indoors!
Do you have any tips on creating the perfect indoor garden? Let us know in the comments section! Also read 6 Essentials to an Indoor Herb Garden