26 May The 2015 National Restaurant Association Show
Last week, Urban Cultivator attended the 96th annual National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago to share with restaurant and manufacturer reps what our company is all about.
Our Sales Manager and Director of Sales, Blair and Glen, thought it was an incredible success. Says Glen of his experience at this year’s NRA: “Being that it’s [Urban Cultivator’s] third year, there’s been a definite increase in consumer awareness of our product, so that was interesting to see.”
The NRA Show allowed Urban Cultivator to ensure that “all mainstream applications of restaurant are aware of our product and its uses it has in our industry.”
“It was inspiring to see the many different facets of the industry that make up the entire restaurant channel, everything from finance, to in-house training, to flavored sachets for water.” said Glen. “There were also many international visitors, everywhere from Korea, to New Zealand, to the Caymans.”
One of the best things they heard on their trip? “This is the most outstanding thing we’ve seen at the show,” said many of those who visited the Urban Cultivator booth.
Over the span of four days, there were over 60,000 visitors in the three pavilions that the trade show filled.
This year was a great one, and we can’t wait for the 2016 NRA Show. If you didn’t attend this year, we hope to see you in 2016!