howtogrowgreens Tag

Swiss chard is a beautiful leafy green and one of the most popular vegetables in North America. It is a great source of vitamin K (up to 715% of your recommended daily intake in a half-cup serving), which helps blood to clot. Many use Swiss chard...

Sunflowers are gorgeous, but in micro form, they are not just a pretty face. Over 25% of its content is protein, and they are rich in vitamin B and hormone-balancing zinc. Sweet in flavor and a hearty texture, sunflower micros are great addition to one’s...

Sorrel is grown for its tangy, slightly-sour tasting arrow-shaped leaves. There are five types of sorrels to choose from: garden sorrel, French sorrel, herb patience or spinach dock, spinach rhubarb, and common or sheep sorrel. All are good for eating. Sorrel is used as a...

The leaves of savory have somewhat peppery flavor with a minty thyme undertone. Summer savory is sweeter and lighter than winter savory. Both types of savory are used in the same way - they are the traditional flavoring for broad beans and lentil soup. Summer...

Sage is a very popular herb used with chicken, lamb and pork. It does have a bitter quality to it so be sure to not over use it. Medicinal and Nutritional Benefits Sage has antiseptic and astringent properties that make it ideal for many conditions of the...

Peashoots are the bright green tender young leaves of a pea plant and their taste resembles that of snap peas. They are often described as tasting like spring. Medicinal and Nutritional Benefits Pea shoots have an outstanding nutrient to calorie ratio and offer a good amount of...

Parsley is widely used around the globe to season meats, soups, stews and potato dishes. Parsley can be used as a garnish or as a palette cleanser because of its natural fresh flavor. Medicinal and Nutritional Benefits Parsley is rich in many vital vitamins, including Vitamin C,...

Oregano is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region. The plant has oval grayish-green leaves that are frequently used in pizza, spaghetti and marinara sauces, plus many other Italian dishes. Medicinal and Nutritional Benefits Did you know that oregano has anti-bacterial properties? You can find oregano...

Nasturtium petals are edible and can sometimes be found in commercial salad mixes. The taste of nasturtiums depend on where they grow. In full sunlight, they'll develop a peppery taste. In partial shade and cooler weather, nasturtium flavor will be milder. The entire plant is edible!...

Marjoram leaf is used fresh, as whole or chopped, and dried whole or broken, and ground. The flowering tops and seeds, which are not as strong as the leaves, are also used as flavorings. Sweet marjoram is a small and oval-shaped leaf. It is light...