Urban Cultivator Named Second Best of Show at 31st Annual Kitchen and Bath Industry Show


Urban Cultivator Named Second Best of Show at 31st Annual Kitchen and Bath Industry Show

Earlier in the month, Urban Cultivator attended the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show, or KBIS, at the Las Vegas Convention Centre in Nevada.
KBIS is an “inspiring, interactive platform that showcases the latest industry products, trends, and technologies,” and has been sharing with the world unique products for 50 years.
Throughout the event, we met both fans and new ones alike as they were able to see the Urban Cultivator units in action, and because of its automated functions, sustainable design, and sleek look, KBIS named our product second Best of Show at the convention.
Here’s what they had to say about Urban Cultivator:

The second best of Show product was the Urban Cultivator. The Urban Cultivator is a locavore’s (and chef’s) dream come true! Sized like a standard dishwasher, this is a fully automated, self-contained, indoor-growing appliance. You can grow fresh herbs and greens in your own home 365 days a year for pennies a bushel.

We had a great time at KBIS, and we plan on attending many more trade shows this year so that we can meet more of our supporters and make more fans in the process.
Want to see how an Urban Cultivator works? Take a look here at where you can catch a live demonstration, and check our blog for updates, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for all the latest updates.