The Most Used Herbs Across the Globe


The Most Used Herbs Across the Globe

Food is nothing without spices, and every country has its own preferred ones. It’s these unique combinations that give different cuisines their uniqueness.
Ever wonder what spices and herbs are popular and most used in which countries? Data Dial and Kit Stone did some research on 36 world cuisines to see what were the most popular spices and herbs, and whether or not there were any common ingredients.
This was determined by studying the ingredients of the national dishes of said countries, and with that data, they created a fascinating infographic.
(Click to enlarge)
The infographic above shows that, surprisingly, cumin is the most popular spice in the world, and coriander (or cilantro) is the most commonly used herb.
In Europe and Africa, garlic is the most common among all dishes considered, and—no surprises here—oregano is common in the Mediterranean regions.
With this graphic, you can essentially recreate any cuisine using the three spices listed underneath it.
To really make international cuisine an everyday thing at your home, grow the herbs and spices from an Urban Cultivator!
Things like oregano, cilantro, mint, basil, parsley, and more can easily be grown in the Cultivator, and take as little as a few weeks.
With Urban Cultivator, you can really expand your culinary horizons!
What’s your favorite combination? Let us know in the comments section!